The cooperative Shannara has an agreement with the University for studies of Naples “Suor Orsola Benincasa” for training and internship for students in degree programs in:
• Educational Sciences
• Social Service
The cooperative operates two community accommodation for children from 13 to 18 years (with continuation up to 21 years): “Utopia Ilaria” for boys and “Utopia Luana” for girls. The facilities are unaccompanied minors (MSNA) and are active in anti-trafficking circuit through introduction programmes and social protection. All children are welcomed following managerial Decree (pursuant to article 403 C.C.) and/or decree of the juvenile court and have their own social worker.
The internship allows the observation and understanding of organizational mode of a socio-educational structure and reception for adolescents through a network work with institutional bodies responsible for protecting (Court, social services).
The Coordinator is the daily reference for what is happening in the community and sharing of tasks; the psychologist will take care of individual supervisory meetings for better understanding and elaboration of the experience. For students of Psychology internship is a chance to watch “in vivo” development of bond of attachment, psychological and relational consequences of abuse and neglect.
Specifically, the intern will be involved in:
The Guide to College Internships “Suor Orsola Benincasa” is available at the following link:
The DataBase of affiliated organizations is available at the following link: