Activities Completed

2015.6 / 11 September: MEDA YOUTH IMMIGRATION,   study visit (Portici, Naples) Project funded by the European Commission – Erasmus + 
Promoter : Shannara Onlus Social Cooperative 
ID Number : 2015-1-IT03-KA105-005683 
Activity:   The study visit involves 9 countries and n.24 social educators / youth workers / volunteers who work with young people with few opportunities and focuses on the action-reaction of the cause-effect of youth immigration from Mediterranean countries. The Italian staff (specialized in welcoming and taking care of minors / young immigrants) has shown some of the effects of this phenomenon to give the countries of the Mediterranean area different points of view to work on the causes. The purpose of the study visit was to provide the Mediterranean countries with basic information to better understand the needs of young people so as to develop and plan better responses to the needs of local youths by offering them more tools to improve their educational and cohesion process. social and new tools for the right to choose a conscious migration. Instead, the Mediterranean countries have offered the European countries involved, intercultural tools for a better understanding of the culture of origin and to improve the level of skills and skills of the European youth workers for the promotion of intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity for young immigrants from the Mediterranean area in European countries. 

Non-formal learning activities have been planned: meetings with young immigrants (boys and girls); boards   rounds with experts in the field of youth immigration that have facilitated the learning process of the participants to give a different point of view on the youth issues in the countries of origin. The objectives and priorities of this project were: to improve the quality of interventions to foster progress in youth work and / or other stakeholders; stimulate and encourage mutual cultural knowledge and understanding among young people in the Euro-Mediterranean area; fight stereotypes and prejudices and promote active citizenship among young people and increase their sense   of solidarity. 

Countries : Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Malta, Jordan, Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt. 


2015, January / May: “COM.IN 2.0 – Skills for Integration   European Fund – Third Countries 2013 – Action 9 “Capacity Building”   Customer:   Ministry of the Interior 
Promoter:   Campania Region 

Activity:   the project, in which the staff of Shannara was an active participant, aimed to improve the levels of management and provision of public and administrative services for third-country nationals. The objectives were: to reinforce networks and capacity as regional governor, to favor territorial coordination between Institutions, Local Authorities and Third Sector engaged in the field of reception and services to migrants, to activate innovative methodologies, to improve the capacity of networks. Operational objectives: networking, training, communication. 


2015,16 / 21 March: TURN ON THE MIND, TURN THE PREGIUDIZI (Portici, Naples) 
Event sponsored by the Municipality of Portici within the UNAR campaign   promoted at the national level. 
Partner:   Coop. Sociale Shannara, Arciragazzi Portici, Solidarity Archipelago, LESS Onlus, Portici Youth Forum.   Activity:   Arciragazzi Portici took care of the #Portici_noracism International campaign promoted at the local, National and International level promoted through the Facebook social network and shared by associations located in Palestine, Estonia, England, United States, Malta, Turkey, Ghana, Sweden, Kurdistan, Armenia, Spain, Norway, Latvia, Denmark and Belarus. From Italy have joined “young wise men” and young people from local schools, universities, radio, artists, African immigrants, teachers, sports associations, environmentalists from different Italian cities. He also worked with the Coop. Shannara the public event “We know a single race, the human race” (territorial and musical social animation) that involved residents in photos and video boxes to witness the struggle of individuals against racism. 


2014.30 November – 7 December:   STUDY VISIT Explore Youth Initiatives in Palestine   (Ramallah, Palestine) Project Financed by EuroMed 
Organizer : Jazoor 
Partner:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activities : Exhibiting participants through the experience of youth initiatives on social entrepreneurship; develop understanding of youth initiatives and entrepreneurship and its relations with youth work; reflect on how the work of educators can be recognized as a supplier of entrepreneurship in the youth sector; increase future relationships    with    the    countries    area     Mediterranean     through     the     development     of     projects     to     long     term.      Countries : Palestine, Spain, Slovakia, Italy, Turkey, Albania, Jordan, Morocco. 


2014, May / June: PREVENTION TO ABUSE   (Naples) Self-financed project 
Organizers:   Shannara Onlus Social Cooperative 
Partner School:   Comprehensive Institute 83 ° Porziano-Bordiga (Ponticelli, Naples) 
Activity:   Meetings with the class groups regarding the prevention of maltreatment and detection of pupil needs. 


2014, March 19: O ‘BULL NUN ABBALL   (Portici) Self-financed project. 
Promoter : Portici Youth Forum 
Partner:   Shannara Onlus Social Cooperative 
Recipients : all class representatives of the institution 
Activities : Legality promotion day, at the IPIA “Enriquez”. Vision of a silent short film about bullying, slide presentation and reflection guided by the cooperative of the Shannara Cooperative, from bullying to legality and pro-sociality. Intervention by some young people, members of the Arciragazzi, on the importance of European exchanges and their experience in realizing a project idea. 


2014.16 / 25 January: European Youth Inclusion Network   (Kosiv, Ukraine)   YiA 4.1 PBA  
Project funded by the European Commission – Directorate-General for Education and Culture.   Promoter : INSTITUTE OF UKRANIAN STUDIES (Ukraine) 
Partner:   Shannara Onlus Social Cooperative 
Activity:   The aim of the PBA (Partnership Building Activity) will be to involve associations in a partnership that works on the social inclusion of young people with few opportunities (minors at risk) with a special focus on children with disabilities and fewer opportunities. 

countries:   Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Italy, Lithuania, Holland, Poland, Austria and Slovenia 


2013.18 / 22 May: ITALY-SPAIN:   exchange of good practices between associations that perform services for minors at risk and for unaccompanied foreign minors. 
Project self-financed by both associations involved in the exchange. 
Promoter : Coop Shannara (Italy) – Merce Fontanilles Foundation (Spain) 
Activity:   Cooperativa Shannara and the Merce Fontanilles Foundation met for 5 days to discuss residential facilities for minors; laws at various levels (local and national) that regulate the taking charge of minors in general and unaccompanied minors (MSNA). 

countries:   Italy, Spain 


2013.18 / 26 April : YiA 3.1 ITC   Against Discrimination- a tool box   (Dilijan, Armenia) Project funded by the European Commission – Directorate-General for Education and Culture.   Promoter : Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan (Armenia) 
Partner : Shannara Cooperative 
ID Number : AM-31-533552-2012-R2 
Activity : The project has foreseen the participation of 2 young portices to a multilateral training course that has seen them active actors in the drafting of a tool-box that has set anti-discrimination rules (elderly, disabled, race, religion, gender ). The project was promoted by a non-profit association of Armenia and to which 12 youth associations from 12 EU and ECAA countries have joined 

countries:   Switzerland, Germany, Spain, UK, Italy, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine 


2012.18 / 26 August:   YiA 4.3    WHY, ITC   (Georgia) 
Project funded by the European Commission – Directorate-General for Education and Culture. 
Promoter : The Knot (Belgium) 
Partner:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   The training course involved 3 youth educators from Georgia, Belgium, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Italy and Sweden who discussed the different methods used to work with the young unemployed. The course was based on self-empowerment and personal and professional self-assessment and how these can be transferred to the   target group in question. 

Countries : France, Armenia, Georgia, Belgium, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Sweden, Italy 


2012 March 29/31: 3.2   Measures to combat child trafficking in Moldova   (Vltava) Project funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture   Promoter : Associazione Itaca onlus (Italy), La Strada Association (Moldova). 
Partner : Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   The project aimed at combating the trafficking of children from / to Moldova through four actions: knowledge of the phenomenon, improvement of the capacity for prevention and identification, improvement of protection for victims returning to the country. 

countries:   Italy, Moldova 


2012.10 January to today: “TAKE CARE OF YOU” (Naples) 
Promoter:   “Villa Betania” Evangelical Hospital 
Signaling Partner : Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   Early prevention of cervico-vaginal carcinoma. The action provided for free the visit and Pap Test and has been promoted in favor of non-EU women who do not comply with the rules on entry and stay. 


2011, November 1 to today: UTOPIA SVETLANA   (Portici, Italy) 
Project financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Equal Opportunities 
Promoter:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   Aggregation center for immigrant women on Thursday afternoons and all day on Sunday. Services offered: Italian course and free socio-legal orientation; aggregative space in which to organize a cooking workshop and a comparison of cultures; remote parental support (conference call via skype with relatives / children / daughters / grandchildren). The project is still active in a self-financing manner. 


28/06/2010 – 08/07/2010: Project B2 (2nd phase) 
Project funded by the Campania Region and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (second phase of Project B2) 
Promoter : Shannara Cooperative, “Melagrana” Social Cooperative 
Activities : exchange of social workers with the Republic of Udmurtia, for the deepening of good practices in working with minors. 


November 2009: Project B2 (1st phase) – ALE ‘TONINO 
Project funded by the Campania Region and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
Promoter:   Shannara Cooperative 
Co-partners:   Arciragazzi Portici 
Activity:   in collaboration with the cultural association “Melagrana”, welcome, organization and realization of the project B2, I phase (bilateral protocol Italy / Russia, signed in Moscow on 20/11/2007), concerning exchanges of social workers who work with minors risk. A delegation of operators from the Republic of Udmurtia (including the Minister for Youth Affairs, Vladimir Soloviev) and Serbia was welcomed. 


17/06/09   –   6/24/09: Project B2   (Republic of Udmurtia) Project financed by the Campania Region and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  
Promoter:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   participation in the Republic of Udmurtia in the B2 project (bilateral Italy / Russia protocol, signed in Moscow on 11/20/2007) concerning exchanges of social workers involved in work with young people at risk. 


12/16/2008: Project B2 
Project funded by the Campania Region and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
Promoter:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activities : training on juvenile legislation and work in the shelters for minors to delegation of representatives of the youth policies of the Republic of Udmurtia concerning the B2 project in the bilateral Italy-Russia protocol (Moscow, 20/11/2007). 


Year 2007/2008: Courses for Alimentaristi: Training and updating of Promoters:    Shannara Cooperative – “Utopia Adi” Training School 
Activity:   Training and updating for employees involved in food hygiene activities, accredited by the Campania Region with authorization no. 227 of 18/06/06. The courses were organized by level of differentiated risk and by homogeneous categories of employees. 


Year 2007-2008: POR – Goldsmith Repairer Client:   Campania Region 
Promoter:   Shannara Cooperative – “Utopia Adi” Training School 
Activity:   POR Campania 2000/2006 – Catalog of the educational offer in the penitentiary. Professional qualification training course:   “Goldsmith Repairer”   Cod. Uff.17 / authorized and financed by the Campania Region, in progress at the Casa Circondariale di S. Maria CV (CE) 


Year 2007: CHANCE II Level 
Customer:   “Sannino” Professional Institute for Industry and Crafts of Ponticelli (NA) 
Promoter:   Masters of Road onlus 
Executive Partner:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   Multi-purpose orientation course for minors in training age in the eastern area of ​​Naples, educational and professional tutoring. 


Year 2006: POR Campania Client:   Campania Region  
Promoter:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   POR Campania 2000/2006 – Integrated Project of Great Cultural Attractors “POMPEI-ERCOLANO” – Level I Training Course: “Training for business creation in the field of culture and leisure time” Cod. Uff. 607 authorized and financed by the Campania Region – Executive Decree no. 124 of 25/05/2005 


10/1/2005 – 30/06/2006: ANCIENT DRUM 
Customer: ATS between Coop. Soc. Shannara and Ass.   “Ancient Drum” 
Activity:   Training course:   “The Frame Drum”. 
Teacher : Alfio Antico. 


09 – 11/04/2005: THE EMOTIONS OF VIOLENCE 
Promoter:   Cooperative Shannara, SOS Donna (Bologna). 
Activity:   Workshop “The emotions of violence”, organized in collaboration with the association “S.0.S. Woman “from Bologna. 


11/30/2004 – 03/02/2005:   PON measures 7.3 
Customer:   School District n ° 35 – Vocational Education Department V Circolo Portici (NA) Permanent Territorial Center for Education and Training in Adulthood. 
Partner:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   PON measure 7.3 – Orientation and Training course   “Woman Work”   (code 7.3-2004-551) 


09/02/2004 – 07/04/2004: PON measure 6.1 
Customer:   School District No. 35 – V Education Department – Circular – Portici (NA) Permanent Territorial Center for Education and Training in Adulthood. 
Partner:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   PON measure 6. 1 – Orientation and Training course   “Arte Orafa”   (course code 6.1- 2003-565) 


03/10/2003 – 17/12/2003: NOP measures 7.3 
Customer:   Scholastic District n ° 35 – V Education Department – Circolo (NA) Permanent Territorial Center for Education and Training in Adulthood. 
Partner:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   PON measure 7.3 – Orientation and Training course   “Arte Orafa”   (course code 7.3- 2003-387) 


24/03 // 2003 – 07/04/2003: PON measure 1.2 
Customer:   Teaching Direction U. Boccioni State Art Institute Via Mostra d’Oltremare (NA) 
Partner:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activities : PON measure 1.2 – Internship with company tutor and orientation activities within the project’s educational path   ” The Youth and the World of Work”. 


06/05/2002   –   07/01/2003:   Training course   Expert in assisting disabled minors. Client:   European Community, with the Ministry of Education and the Campania Region 
Partner:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   IFTS 2000 / 2001- Internship, teaching and tutoring for the training course “Expert in assisting disabled children” Cod. Uff. 167 (1200 hours). Associate body of the Temporary Association of Purpose between: the ITAS “Vittorio Emanuele II” of Naples – Institute of Higher Education, the University of Naples “Federico II” Polo Scienze Umane and the ACIIEF Training Organization. 


999: MULTIREGIONAL NOW   – Training course   Business Services for Childcare “. Customer:   ETICA (Milan), Non-profit organization – Social Services sector. 
Partner:   Shannara Cooperative 
Activity:   Now Multiregional Project 0365 / E2 / N / M -IC 12 295 – Internship for learners of the Professional Training Course – Service Operators: “Business Services for Childcare”. 

Services / interventions Law 328/00 Annuity: 2006 / 2012- SOCIAL SECRETARIAT 

Customer: Healthcare Organization n. 17 (Municipality of Portici Capofila, Municipalities of S. Giorgio, S. Sebastiano al Vesuvio) 
Promoter:   Shannara as ATS Leading Body 
Service / intervention : Social Secretariat 
Note:   The service includes: social assistance activities, counter activities at the social services of the municipalities in the area, experimentation and computerization of the social service, updating of the guide to social and health services, information and awareness campaigns. 


Customer:   Social Security Area n. 17 (Municipality of Portici Capofila, Municipalities of S. Giorgio, San Sebastiano Vesuvio) 
Promoter:   Shannara as ATS Leading Body 
Service / intervention:   Social Secretariat, Social-Health Integration and Prompt Reception 
Note:   The service provided for front office activities in the social services of the municipalities in the area. 

The drafting of an area guide to social and health services, awareness campaigns implemented with the help of a Mobile Unit and a prompt reception service. 


Customer:   Area Plan Office NA 16 Law 328/00 – School District No. 35 – Departmental Education Directorate V Circolo – Portici (NA). Permanent Territorial Center for Education and Training in Adulthood. 
Activity:   Coordination, planning and direction of the Operational Phase for the Training Course   “Orcs, witches and   do “for institutional operators involved in the prevention and assistance to children victims of abuse and mistreatment. Performed at the IV Teaching Circle, in Ercolano (NA). 


Customer:   Social Security Area n. 17 (Municipality of Portici Capofila, Municipalities of S. Giorgio, S. Sebastiano Vesuvio) 
Activity:   ATS partner body 
Service / intervention : Observatory and House of the third sector 
Note:   Research project on social needs (epidemiological research, field research, analysis of information systems of social and health services) and activation of a service desk for third sector organizations. 


Customer:   Healthcare Organization No. 17 (Municipality of Portici Capofila, Municipalities of S.   George   and S. Sebastiano Vesuvio) 
Activity:   ATS partner body 
Service / Intervention:   Integrated Center for adolescent protection “Il Centro” 
Note:   The project included the activation of three groups of adolescents (one for each municipality of the area) stimulated with the planning methodology involved in the creation of recreational and cultural activities; start-up routes to work at craft shops and small businesses in the area; a branch with social secretarial functions and support for problematic families. 


Annuity: 2002/2003 – SOCIAL SECRETARIAT 
Customer:   Social Security Area n. 17 (Municipality of Portici Capofila, Municipalities of S. Giorgio, S. Sebastiano Vesuvio) 
Activity:   ATS partner body 
Service / intervention : Center for social integration for immigrants “Migrants for the city”. 
Note:   information desk for legal advice and guidance; aggregation center: intercultural education paths; scholastic insertion of immigrant minors.