All the contributions that we will receive through the 5xMille to Shannara Cooperativa Sociale will be used for the financing of activities and equipment intended exclusively for the minor guests of the Community Accommodation “Utopia Ilaria” and “Utopia Luana”.
It does not cost you anything, it can mean a lot to us!
5xmille is a fraction of IRPEF. It is absolutely not an additional expense. If you decide not to give 5xmille to anyone, that part of IRPEF will still be paid to the State.
Search on your Unique Certification / Model 730 / Unique Model the box with the words “Support of volunteering and other non-profit organizations …” and enter the tax code of Shannara: 03728481213
In case you do not present the income statement, you can still allocate 5 x Thousand!
To do this, you will have to go to the post offices or a CAF and hand over the card for the destination of the 5xmille attached to the model CU duly completed and signed within the same deadline for the presentation of the declaration of income Mod. UNICO.
The card must be delivered in a sealed envelope on which to affix:
– the words “chosen for the destination of five per thousand of the IRPEF”
– the year to which the certification refers
– your tax code, surname and name.